How do you Lose 9.9 Million Voters for a Historic Election?
There are 9,886,857 reasons why Hillary Lost the 2016 Election this past Tuesday. There were 9,886,838 Democrats who voted during the 2008 election of President Obama. There were 4 states won by Donald Trump that were won by a margin smaller than the number of voters who voted for Gary Johnson. The other reasons were economic in nature.
Nearly 10 million Democrats sat out this election.There were 9.877,838 Democrats who voted during 2008 for the first Black President that did not vote for potentially the first Woman President. Some may have died. Some switched parties to be Trump Republicans during the primaries. Some clearly stayed home .
Clinton Lost Four States that She Should have won. It was projected that Trump would have to win Ohio, Florida, and North Carolina in order to have a chance at the White House. He won those Wisconsin with the help of Gary Johnson. He also Pennsylvania by a margin smaller than the Gary Johnson vote. New Hampshire and Michigan are still counting ballots as of Friday Morning.
Hillary assumed that she was starting from a 51% basis - The Woman Vote. Hillary made an assumption similar to Mitt Romney in 2008 - she thought she had a gender advantage similar to the Taxpayer disadvantage that Romney discussed at a fundraiser. She assumed Republican and Independent women who vote the gender card.
Hillary assumed that Basement Dwellers and Deplorables would stay home. It was reported that some emails floated throughout here campaign that Bernie Sanders Supporters were basement dwellers. Hillary stated at a rally, infront of cameras, that Trump Supporters could be placed in a basket of deplorables.
Hillary Assumed that the Trump Wall Would Reinforce the Blue Wall. Hillary thought that there would be a fear of the known moment for Trump and his call to build a wall. There are only two real fears - the fear of the known and the fear of the unknown. There are only really two basic motivators - fear of loss and opportunity to gain. Hillary dwelt on fear. Fear of a wall. Fear of Twitterspeak. Fear of the Nuclear codes in Trump's hands. Hillary also assumed that there would be a blue wall of states including Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and possibly North Carolina, Ohio and Florida. It was inconceivable (Cue "The Princess Bride") that Trump would win Ohio and North Carolina and Florida. It was inconceivable that he would stand a chance in Pennsylvania, Michigan, or Wisconsin. Arizona? Laughable..
Hillary Assumed that the Enemy of Her Enemy Would Be Her Friend - The Media Assumption. She thought that she had the debates and the media angles covered. She thought that the media would fall in line and fawn all over her. She did not take into account that Trump would be media coverage worthy. She underestimated the reach he would obtain through daily, televised rallies. She thought that she could take off a month or run for President Part-time. It didn't work. Now the media is in mea culpa mode.
Hillary Thought the the FBI was on Her Side. Whether it was the Clinton Global Initiative Investigation, Emailgate, or Benghazi, Hillary appeared confident that no wrongdoing would be found or prosecuted. That coincidental visit of Loretta Lynch with Former President Bill Clinton was innocent. A non-videotaped deposition - normal. She needs to be investigated, prosecuted, and if found guilty she needs to spend some time in prison. Maybe she can get some tips from Martha Stewart.
Hillary Played Loose with the Truth. One Server. One email. One phone. One device. Destruction of evidence under subpoena.
It's the Economy. Fewer men are working full-time now than July 2007. Obamacare is falling apart as rates increase and employers providing coverage decreases.New Home Sales have not recovered to pre-recession levels. New home sales have not recovered to pre-recession levels.Existing home sales have not recovered to pre-recession levels. Five employment sectors have fewer jobs than were present during October 2008. The unpatriotic and irresponsible $5 trillion in new debt added to the debt by President George W Bush was doubled to nearly $10T by President Obama, and we still have the November, December, January, and February Treasury reports to receive. The $10T of debt assumed by President Obama has nearly doubled to $19.7 trillion, even after the majority of the TARP loans issued under President Bush were repaid under President Obama. President Bush's share of the debt should have been formally reduced.
She Lied. People Died. The Economy has not fully recovered after nearly eight years under President Obama. Add it all together and there are at least 9,886,857 reasons why Hillary lost the election.